Emergency Preparedness

Before. During. After.

Whether it’s natural or man-made, ensuring you know how to keep yourself and others safe in an emergency is becoming increasingly important as climate change continues to create more severe weather events. 


There are many ways to reduce risks from emergencies, whether it be from leaks or spills, hazardous materials, severe weather or other dangers.


For senior care providers, having a written emergency preparedness plan is not only a good idea, it’s the law.

You can’t control the environment, but you can control your response.

In this whitepaper, you will learn how to create an emergency preparedness plan to:

  • Mitigate
  • Prevent
  • Prepare
  • Respond
  • Recover

Helpful resources also include how to create an emergency chain of command, an emergency preparedness checklist and a communications checklist.

Ready to get started?


Download the whitepaper “Taking Disaster Out Of Disaster Planning” and get your step-by-step playbook for creating and optimizing your emergency communications plan.

Download Now

It’s not getting any easier

A recent report from the United Nations showed a 74.4% increase in major recorded disaster events

  • 1980-1999: 4,212 events
  • 2000-2019: 7,348 events

In 2021, the U.S. experienced over 20 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters.

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