Co-op students at Cliniconex | Getting to know Adaeze

After saying goodbye to our round of summer co-op students, are are thrilled to welcome our first fall co-op – Adaeze Okolo. She will be joining the marketing team as our social media coordinator, handling everything from video and image creation, to caption writing and thought leadership content.

As Adaeze wraps up her first week with the team, we spent some time getting to know her interests, what her goals for her co-op term are, and why she was drawn to a placement with Cliniconex.

Tell us a bit about yourself! What do you like to do in your spare time?

I am an aspiring multimedia designer. I have always had a passion for digital design and communication. In my spare time, I love to draw and paint and visit art galleries because they provide so much inspiration.

I draw and shade and like to paint landscapes and nature in oil.

How would your friends describe you?

They would describe me as funny, open-minded and creative.

What are you studying at University?

I am currently in my third year of a Bachelor’s degree in Media Production and Design at Carleton University. I am learning about digital and video communication, editing, design and writing.

Even though I like to draw and paint on canvas, I find it more productive to create art digitally. There was a big learning curve when I started to draw digitally on my iPad and am still progressing.

Then, learning graphic design with software like the Adobe Suite was easier to learn surprisingly because I started to use those programs during my gap year before University.

What was your favourite class last year?

My favourite class was my visual communication class. It was centred on graphic design, photography and videography. I learned a lot about video and photo creation and editing.

I loved both the content because it provided a means for me to get creative and express myself, and I loved the teacher because she made everything fun – even though the class was a mix of virtual and in-person.

What attracted you to Cliniconex for your co-op placement?

The company’s mission is to improve communication across healthcare. I am interested in that goal and having the opportunity to use my skills to further that mission was something I wanted to be a part of.

What are you looking forward to working on or learning about the most?

The thing I am looking forward to improving the most is my writing skills, especially since I will be writing all the social media content over the next few months. Of course, I will be learning a lot about social media and all its components which will serve me well next semester during my social media class.

How do you think your time at Cliniconex will help during your next year of University?

As Cliniconex is a very team-based work environment where everyone collaborates, I think that will really help me with my group projects in the rest of my program and in my work life once I finish school.

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