Routine outreach

Webinar Recap: Automating Routine Outreach from your EHR

The focus of most senior care facilities for the past 18 months has been on urgent communications reacting to time-sensitive or emergent situations. But what about regularly occurring and scheduled events? Calendars are slowly filling up and lives are becoming busier.

Between off-site appointments, care plan reviews, on-site visitation and facility events, each resident can have numerous events taking place each month. Not only do staff have to schedule and log all of these events, but they also need to inform and coordinate with families. For facilities performing this outreach manually, this means hours of phone calls and unplanned conversations with resident family members. On average, all this outreach takes close to 90 minutes per resident per month. Just for routine events. Now multiply that for every resident in a facility. It adds up to hundreds of hours of staff time every 30 days. 

So what is the solution? Is there one? There is. Much like urgent outreach, so too can routine outreach be automated.

By using a digital calendar like PointClickCare’s Resident Event Calendar and the Routine module of Automated Care Messaging, senior care homes can:

  • Eliminate paper-based calendar tracking and automatically keep all care team members informed of residents’ activities at all times
  • Leverage automation tools for routine communication without losing that personal touch
  • Streamline workflows and improve efficiency while leaving an auditable trail of communication
  • Ensure participation compliance with attendance tracking

To learn more, watch a recent webinar on the subject with our partner PointClickCare. Hear from Nathan Patrick Taylor, CIO at Symphony Care Homes about the impact and benefits digital tools have had on his organization, most notably an 1800% ROI. 

“Like everyone in senior care, we’ve had to make a lot of cuts over the course of the pandemic. If there is a technology still in place at this point in time, there’s a reason why it’s here. There is nothing that does what Automated Care Messaging does not only in price but in the time it saves in staff.”

To learn the ROI specific to your facility or organization, reach out to your PointClickCare representative, or contact sales@pointclickcare.

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